Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 5: Wikis & Widgets

Wikis - pretty cool as they are collaborative and therefore quite vast in the information offered up. I use wikipedia a bit as it seems to be an excellent initial source when looking for more obscure, contemporary and up to the minute information.

I checked out a music wiki:

Widgets - can be a lot of fun and add a certain extra something to your blog/site rather than just plain text and pictures. I thought this mini piano was kinda cool (if you have sound on your PC).

Through initial experimentation I also managed to add a fitness tip of the day widget to the bottom of my blog...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 4: Social Networking

Facebook - another good way to keep in touch although some of those applications are a bit too much!

Google Talk - will have to check it out with the family in Germany.