Monday, November 30, 2009

SLQ's Licence to Test Drive #6 - Videos Online

Todays test drive gave us the opportunity to explore online video content - the first site that comes to mind when you hear this is Youtube, but aside from Youtube, we looked at 2 other sites I was not familiar with at all - Dailymotion and Vimeo - although fundamentally they are all very similar. My least favourite of the 3 was Vimeo as it doesn't initally tell you how long the clips are and just about all of them that I wanted to view took a very long time to load.

I checked out footage on those amazing dust storms that we had back in September which I found on both Youtube and Google Video (perhaps as it is one and the same) and out of curiosity checked for anything on Vimeo and Dailymotion but was unsuccessful.

I explored other libraries use of online video and looked at Laura Dingle at SLQ, staff training for the IKC administrators in Cairns and tried to look at the promotion of reading by the Carnegie library but unfortunately it seemed to take forever to load and I ran out of time [and patience!].

I think that my library would be able to provide links on the website that then use online videos as training purposes - something like a series of short step-by-step videos which show library patrons how to access and use resources such as databases, library catalogue and equipment. I have mentioned in a previous blog entry about the Coffee Corner special guest events that we hold each month - some of these are quite demonstrative and would also be great to record and make available for those that were unable to attend the event. This could flow on to special holiday events that occur with the children and young adults although we have already done this (but could do more!).

For my adventure I've included a short clip on Stupid Game Show Answers from the US.

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